KAAW Johsel Namkung Scholarship
The Johsel Namkung scholarship provides annual scholarships to Korean American residents of
Washington State, who pursue visual fine arts in advance. The scholarships are intended to encourage
and to provide students with the opportunity to advance their art career and hope for students who are
pursing higher education in the field of fine arts. Fine arts are defined as visual arts using any medium.
Genre: Visual Fine Art Digital Painting & Drawing (no AI generated images)
Requirements and Application procedure:
Eligibility: Applicant must be a Washington State Korean resident and a high school 9th – 12th (based on school year ending in June this year), who is planning to pursue higher visual art education.
Awards of Scholarship: The following scholarships will be awarded annually: the Johsel Namkung Scholarship in the amount of $1,000, the KAAW Scholarship of $500, and the Korean Consulate Scholarship valued at $300. Additionally, three Honorable Mentions will be presented each year.
Application and Selection procedure:
- Minimum of three (3) and maximum of four (4) pieces of art must be submitted
- Submitted art works must be your work completed within last two (2) years.
- The submission photo should accurately reflect the real-life qualities (i.e., colors, details) of the original work.
- The original art works of recipients must be submitted for showing at the annual members’
exhibition. - Submitted art works must be minimum 18” x 18” in size
- All scholarship applications must be completed in full and submitted to the KAAW as announced
and scheduled. Application package includes artworks, description of each artwork submitting
and self-introductory statement. - The scholarship Committee will view all submitted artworks. All completed applications will be juried and selected as scheduled at the committee meeting.
- The scholarship committee is comprised of members who have experience in reviewing and critiquing of fine arts.
- The final recipients will be awarded at the members’ exhibition reception as scheduled **
- ** Members’ exhibition schedule may vary and will be announced accordingly.**
*** Please be advised that this event may be subject to cancellation due to restrictions or unforeseen circumstances. ***
Support This event is supported by the Korean Consulate General in Washington, Korea Times in Seattle, and supported / administrated by the Korean Artist Association of Washington state (KAAW).