KAAW (The Korean American Artists Association of Washington State) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 by local Korean Immigrants. The mission of KAAW was to encourage and to support Korean American artists of Washington state residents, who are pursuing artistic endeavor and to enrich their personal and community life.
The Korean Wave (Hallyu) refers to the cultural phenomenon in which the global popularity of South Korean popular culture has dramatically risen. The world has fallen in love with Korean pop music, movies, dramas, fashion, beauty, food, technology, etc.
This juried Call-For Entry is seeking artworks that visualize the essence of Korean culture and influence. Look for pieces that reflect traditional elements, or innovations inspired by the dynamic Korean cultural wave. Encourage diversity in interpretation and creativity while staying true to the theme. The contest is open to all individuals of any ethnic heritage.

Eligibility Criteria
- Open to all artists aged 18 and older.
- Open to individuals of Korean heritage and any nationality.
- Eligibility: National
- One of the artworks must address the given theme. You must submit 3 artworks.
- Open to all mediums (oil, acrylic, watercolor, graphite pencil, ink, pastel, etc.) in 2D, including photography.
- No reproductions, digital art, AI-generated, or assisted art will be accepted.
- The works must be no larger than 50” tall x 36” wide.
- The rest of two artworks can be of any size, while one must address the given theme and be a minimum of 18” tall x18” wide.
- Artwork must have been created in the past five years.
- Artwork can NOT have been previously exhibited at Lynnwood Event Center.
- This exhibit will be displayed at Lynnwood Event Center, artwork with sensitive subject matter (i.e. nudity, offensive religious or political statements, and or violence) may be juried out.
- If accepted, all work MUST be gallery quality installation ready to hang (wire).
- All images must be submitted digitally and will be judged by jurors based on the files submitted.
- Best show: $1,000
- First Prize : $500
- Second Prize: $300
- Third Prize: $200
- Two Honorable mentioned: $100
URL: https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13195
Entry Fee: $20 (non-refundable) entry fee will be accepted at CAFE when application is submitted.
- Artworks showing at the exhibition at Lynnwood Event Center from July 1st to December 13th of 2024 (6 months).
- Visit Organization Website: www.kaaw.net
- Contact Email: kaaworg@gmail.com
Juror Information:
Artwork Requirements:
- Completed Portfolio on CAFE with 3 artworks with non-refundable entry fee.
- Artist statement and artwork statements
- All images must be submitted digitally and will be judged by jurors based on the files submitted.
- Submitted images or photographs of the art work must be same as the actual art work.
If there is any change or discrepancy, it will be disqualified for any award.
Use of Artwork and Sales:
- Artworks of finalists will be showing at the exhibition at Lynnwood Event Center from July 1st to December 13th of 2024 (6 months).
- Art works to be exhibited are displayed For Sale (preferred) or NFS – For any work sold, 80% of sales goes to the artist and 20% goes to LEC for the support of “artists, art opportunities, and exhibitions” at Lynnwood Event Center.
- Once entered and submitted, all artists may not substitute another work for an accepted work, alter an accepted work, change the sale price, or withdraw a work after it has been entered and accepted.
Important Dates to remember:
- Application window for Submission close on: May 31, 2024 (11:59 PM)
- Artist notified by: June 9-12, 2024 (11:59 PM)
- Accepted Artwork Drop-off at: Lynnwood Event Center: June 24-25th, 2024
- The art exhibition opens on: July 1, 2024
- The Exhibition Reception on: September 17, 2024, 6 pm – 8 pm
- The art exhibition closes on: December 13, 2024
- Artwork must be picked up on: December 16-17, 2024
*** Thank you all for supporting us with this event ***
with Donations from many listed below and also for those who may wish to be remained in anonymous